Frequently AskED Questions

Here are some of the questions we get asked the most!

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Questions About The Starter Kit

What's included in the Starter Kit?

The Starter Kit brings learning to life through our AR/VR platform! Included in each box are three AR-ready books by artist and author Ed Heck, three Activity Books to reinforce learning, and one whimsical VR headset that will work with any mobile VR app. These materials supplement the disruptED app which enables AR, VR, and also includes engaging digital activities. 

The Starter Kit and the app let you experience everything in the wonderful world of disruptED! Find out more about the Starter Kit here.

What is VR?

Using a Virtual Reality (VR) headset, you are immersed into a digital world which you can explore and look around in 360 degrees.

How old do my children have to be to experience VR? 

It's up the parent, but our kits are designed for children at least 3 years old.

What is AR? 

Augmented Reality (AR) adds digital elements to your world by using the camera on your smartphone and tablet. This transforms the pages of our books into living animations - where rockets take flight, aliens visit, and our characters come to life. 

How do I view and interact with disruptED books?

disruptED books can be brought to life through our mobile app. The disruptED app is available on both Apple and Android devices (phone/tablet). Look for these buttons in the app to get around!


Activity Button

There are tons of educational games built in throughout the app. Look for this icon on your screen for a fun digital activity. Some games are only in VR or AR, so be sure to explore everywhere!

replay button.png

Replay Button

This button will restart the animation on your page. It’s a great way to help your little one get some practice with those tough letters, or have fun with their favorite page!


Recenter Button

Tapping (VR 360) or gazing (VR with headset) this button will recenter what is on your screen. This can be really helpful if the characters are not centered on your screen.


Home Button

The home button will take you back to the welcome screen with the wheel of books. When you select this button in VR, it will take you out of VR mode, so take your headset off!

How do I read a book in AR?

Pick out a disruptED book from your starter kit, and select the matching book from the carousel in the disruptED app. When prompted, select the center “AR” button.

AR content is accessed by holding the camera of the phone or tablet over the pages of the books. When the page comes into focus on your mobile device, each page will come to life with animation, audio, and even educational games!

Tip: Sometimes you need to pull your device further away from the book to start the animations.

Are each and every page of the disruptED books AR enabled? 

The three Ed Heck authored children books are AR enabled. Activity books are not AR enabled. They provide a great opportunity for your child to take a break from their AR/VR experiences, and practice their developing tactile skills! 

How do I read a book in VR?

Select a book from the carousel in the disruptED app. When prompted, choose the third “VR” button. If you are using a tablet, you will immediately be taken into VR360 mode. Move your tablet all around you and explore the disruptED worlds!

If you are using a phone, you will have the option to choose between experiencing VR with a headset, or experiencing VR360. To use the included disruptED headset, tap the picture of the cardboard headset. Follow the instructions printed on the VR cardboard box to assemble the headset, place your phone in the headset, and you are ready to explore!

For more information on assembling and using the headset, check out the explanation video here.

What are the Hardware/Software requirements?

We always recommend keeping your OS software current with the latest available update.

Please click here for a list of devices that disruptED version 1.4.11 will work on. Please keep in mind that no list can be definitive as there are literally thousands of different devices. We strive to keep this list up to date and complete. If your device is not listed here, please contact us.

Are there any health risks to these materials?

As AR technology does not require the use of headsets, the AR experiences with the disruptED app is as safe as any other children’s app. Young children should always be supervised by an adult while experiencing any of the books in VR. Each child should gradually ease into use of VR headsets starting with a few minutes at a time to understand their personal reaction to virtual reality experiences. 

Never continue to use the cardboard headsets if you are experiencing any discomfort. Make sure you give your child ample and safe floor space in all directions (360 degrees). 

How long should my child use VR technology?

disruptED materials are designed to be bite sized! Children usually spend around 10 minutes per VR reading session. We encourage parents and instructors to have their children spend some time reading, exploring, and learning in AR/VR, and then reinforcing their understanding with the physical activity books included in each kit.

ALL USERS should take a break after 30 minutes of use.

Is WiFi or cellular data required for the disruptED app to work? 

No. Once you have downloaded the disruptED app, all digital content is available to you at any time!


Questions About Ordering The Kit

When will I receive my order?

Orders take around 6-10 business days to be delivered. Expect some delays during the holidays.

Will my package look exactly like the one pictured?

The contents of the package will not change, however packaging design is subject to change.

Is this available internationally?

Unfortunately, we are only shipping within the United States at this time. Sign up for our mailing list to be notified of company updates, including when we expand to international shipping.

When will I be charged for my purchase?

Your card will be charged upon confirming your purchase. Orders will be shipped out within 3-5 days of your payment, and you will be notified by email once your order has shipped.


Have Additional Questions?

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